Workshop on the new water system extension January 19, 2022

Workshop on the new water system extension January 19, 2022 at 4 PM via Zoom.

At the 2020 Annual Town Meeting held on September 12, 2020, voters approved a plan for the installation of new water main from the Gristmill Way (Coles Neck) wellfield down Route 6 and entering the center of Town along Briar Lane.  The vote authorized the borrowing of up to $3.8 million for the installation of a new main to replace the original undersized water main installed in 1989, bringing the Town’s secondary water source, the Gristmill Way wellfield into compliance with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s requirements for a redundant water supply.  The Town’s primary water source, the two wells at the site of the former Boy Scout Camp off Old County Road were installed in 2010.

The installation of the new water main will also ensure an adequate and safe water supply for the much-needed affordable housing project planned for the Lawrence Road site across from the school, and for additional properties along a section of Route 6 and down Briar Lane. 

Since the September 12, 2020 meeting a grant of $2.5 million was received from the State’s MassWorks Program significantly reducing the amount of funding that would have to be borrowed.

Engineered plans for the installation have since been completed and a contractor, Dig-It Construction out of Dennis, MA, was recently awarded the contract for construction through a competitive bid process.  Construction is expected to begin mid-January with an anticipated completion date of late May 2022.

The Board of Water Commissioners with the assistance of the Wellfleet Community Forum is planning an informational zoom forum on Wednesday, January 19th at 4 PM to outline the project, the areas involved, and the proposed schedule. A question and answer period will be offered following the presentation by the engineers, the contractor, and representatives of the Town and the Board of Water Commissioners.

Additional information about the forum will be available on the Town’s website.

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